UrbanGeekz is a groundbreaking digital news platform focused on technology, science, and business. The innovative online site also provides authoritative lifestyle and entertainment coverage.

We also invite you to join the movement of talented writers and photographers. We welcome unsolicited contributions. If you are interested in submitting an article/s (preferably a piece that hasn’t been published anywhere else), please be sure to include the following:

1) Submit a suggested Headline that may well get changed
2) A one-paragraph bio, which can include links to your social media sites
3) A headshot in the event that it is needed to run with your article
4) Keep articles to 400-1000 words. Stories can go over on this limit, if necessary

We are also seeking experienced, talented writers wanting to serve as UrbanGeekz columnists writing on a special interest of their choice. If interested, please be sure to include the following:

1) Samples of your previously published work (web links or as Word attachments)
2) A 1-2 paragraph description of your column that specifies the column’s purposes, possible
subject matter, and desired frequency of contributions (weekly, monthly, etc.)
3) A brief bio, which can include links to your social media sites
4) A headshot in the event that it is needed to run with your article
5) Contact information (email, phone number and website)

Photographers should provide a link to an online photo gallery and a description of the online “exhibit” they want to feature

Send your articles and column pitches to editorial@urbangeekz.com including with the words SUBMISSION in the subject box.

Thank you in advance for your interest in contributing to UrbanGeekz