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Amazing Benefits of Going Green as a Business

Amazing Benefits of Going Green as a Business

Regardless of your personal thoughts on green issues and climate change, looking out for the environment can have a lot of benefits for your business. We’re going to explore some of those advantages with you today, so take a look and see if there are any changes you could make to your company. Not only will there be financial rewards for going green, but there are other benefits to consider, too. Here’s a rough guide on what you can expect.

Save money

The bottom line is everything for your business, and if you aren’t embracing eco-friendly practices in your company, you can guarantee you are wasting opportunities to improve your cash flow. There are a wide array of things you can do, from investigating cheaper, alternative energy suppliers to installing solar panels – which could end up making you money, not just saving it. Even the smallest things like ensuring people turn off the lights when they leave a room can make a big difference. If everyone’s doing it, you can save hundreds of dollars every year.

Improve your reputation

Going green is also a savvy PR move. More people are embracing environmental issues than ever before these days. And it means they are making consumer choices, and being careful about who they deal with or buy from. If you embrace green work practices and shout out about them, people will sit up and take notice, choosing you over your rivals.

A healthy work environment

An eco-friendly outlook for your business will also result in a healthier workplace. The statistics back it up – companies that promote health and wellness tend to see a 20% drop in sickness days over a year. Promoting healthy, organic snacks is a good starting point, as is using environmentally friendly cleaning products. If you want a healthier, more productive team working for you, going green can make a significant difference.


Going green also gives you plenty of opportunities to become a leader in your field. Perhaps you’re the first company in your industry to embrace an eco-friendly outlook. Maybe you can start networking in new markets, or at eco-friendly trade fairs. And, of course, there are lots of publicity opportunities via the press and local media outlets.

Lower taxes

The government is keen for businesses of all size to start going green. There are plenty of incentives in place, including small business grants and tax breaks for companies that meet specific environmental targets. If you are looking for clever ways to improve your bottom line and decrease your cost of sale, one of these tax breaks could be the answer you seek. Talk to your accountant about exploring the tax benefits of going green – you might end up saving a significant sum of money.

Do you embrace eco-friendly practices in your business? If so, feel free to let us know about how you got started, and also shout out if you have any further tips on going green. We’re always keen to hear your thoughts and experiences, so don’t be shy!


UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz is the first to market tech blog focused on covering content from a diverse and multicultural perspective. The groundbreaking videocentric multimedia platform covers technology, business, science, and startups.
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