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Online Marketing Is Rapidly Evolving: Are You?
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Visual Marketing, Business. Social media
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The Various Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing For Your Company

Science & Tech
The Various Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing For Your Company

If you haven’t yet gotten acquainted with the cloud, then you must not realize how helpful it can be. Cloud computing refers to a range of technology with which tasks can be carried out over the internet. Data can be stored on secure, online cloud servers, and accessed from your business computers at any time.

A lot of people already use cloud storage on their devices, but there are many forms of cloud technology. Cloud computing is particularly helpful in business, where a lot of data needs to be stored and accessed frequently. Here are some of the reasons why you should use cloud computing for your company.

Effective Cost Saving

The traditional way of storing work data is by using a corporate data center. A data center is a large server unit, requiring a lot of energy to run. These take a lot of investment to maintain. Not only do you have to worry about energy costs, but you also need to make sure they have consistent uptime.

This is why many businesses are beginning to turn to cloud servers. It prevents spending too much on an unreliable form of data storage which requires constant maintenance. For a useful analogy, see how Mark Hurd talks about sunk costs.

Although companies often save money by outsourcing data centers, cloud storage can be even cheaper. It’s a great way to save money for your business and put it to other uses.

A Greener Way To Work

The Various Benefits Of Using Cloud Computing For Your Company - See more at: https://urbangeekz.com/2016/09/benefits-of-using-cloud-computing-for-your-company/?preview_id=8763&preview_nonce=baf53dcb83&post_format=standard&_thumbnail_id=8765&preview=true#sthash.3LVXIPAo.dpuf Picture credit

Not only does cloud computing save costs, it also helps the environment. Various studies have looked into just how green cloud computing can be.

A study carried out by Microsoft discovered cloud computing reduces the carbon footprint of small businesses by 90%. Pike Research found that companies switching to cloud computing could lead to energy expenditures being reduced by 38%.

Secure Your Data

Some people might be under the assumption that having your data accessible from the internet makes it less secure. In fact, it’s quite the contrary.

Storing data with cloud storage is even more secure than using a corporate data center. If you use a data center, you’ll have to invest a lot in security solutions to make sure nothing happens to your data. You may even need a computer security specialist to help out. Data can also be lost due to network issues. If your network crashes before work is backed up to the data center, you could be in big trouble.

Cloud services focus on storing and securing data, and nothing else. They have the best security measures already in place so only you and your employees can access your data. Additionally, work is saved and backed up immediately, so you don’t have to worry about losing it.

Accessible Working Options

Since work data stored in the cloud is accessible from anywhere, you can work from anywhere! Cloud services offer ways to access, share, and even collaborate on work from anywhere in the world.

Google even have their own cloud-based work solutions. You can easily create documents, spreadsheets and slide shows on Google’s cloud storage. This makes it possible for employees to work from home if given the option. It also makes it simple for colleagues to collaborate on work projects.

Main Photo: Picture credit

UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz Staff
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