The Easy Way To Look After Your Business Data
January 24, 2017
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South African Soccer Brings Hope During Challenging Economic Times
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The Easy Way To Look After Your Business Data
January 24, 2017
South African Soccer Brings Hope During Challenging Economic Times
South African Soccer Brings Hope During Challenging Economic Times
January 26, 2017

Make Way! 4 Easy Ways to Make Your Business More Spacious

Make Way! 4 Easy Ways to Make Your Business More Spacious

We could all use a bit more space in our lives. Whether it’s at the office to let your employees work more efficiently or more space in your business premises to fit more customers in, there’s always a reason to try and squeeze out more space from your office. Since most business owners have to pay for a property based on both the location and the space it offers, it can sometimes get extremely expensive trying to rent an office or business premises that offer more room for your money. To help you save costs, here are four easy ways to help you get the most of your workplace.

Knock the Walls Down

Some walls don’t actually serve much of a purpose than to separate rooms. If you speak to a knowledgeable building contractor, they can give you advice on what pillars and walls are crucial to support the building and which ones can be safely knocked down to create more room. You can do a lot with the extra space; from moving around furniture to storing new equipment, or even creating different rooms and rearranging the general office layout for better communications and workflow—the choice is yours!

Move Things Outside

If you run something like a cafe or bar, then it’s a great idea to (as long as you can get permission) move some of the tables and chairs outside to make more room. It’s a good way to make your premises stand out and with more space, you’ll have more room to accommodate more customers. On a hot summer day, enjoying a relaxing meal outdoors is a fantastic way to wind down and relieve some stress. You could also move some of your products outside too. For example, if you run a grocery store then moving some fresh produce outside to let it get some fresh air and to attract customers is a sure way to make extra room indoors for other items.

Build an Extension

Building an extension sounds like an expensive addition, but it can be extremely cheap with the help of a service like Armstrong Steel. They specialize in pre-fabricated steel buildings that can be customized to your liking. With the help of some expert advice and some planning permission, you could extend your business premises cheaply with the help of a steel building extension. This is a great way to move storage from inside of your office out into a separate building or to create extra space for your patrons.

Get Rid of Bulk and Clutter

Sometimes we can end up storing too many things inside of our office or premises. Think old pieces of furniture that we don’t need to use anymore or tables that are simply too large to fit in and serve no real purpose. Sell these unwanted bits of furniture for extra money on a site like eBay and instead, replace it with sleek furniture that fits your needs perfectly. You’ll be surprised at how much more spacious your business looks by removing the clutter and clunky furniture pieces.

UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz is the first to market tech blog focused on covering content from a diverse and multicultural perspective. The groundbreaking videocentric multimedia platform covers technology, business, science, and startups.
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