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Online Marketing Is Rapidly Evolving: Are You?
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Use Top Tech To Benefit Your Store

In 2016, Technology Transformed Business, But Not In The Way You Think

Whether you own a physical store or a virtual one technology can play quite the active part, if you let it. It can help drive your business to success. It is everywhere these days, and the businesses that are not properly utilizing all modes of technology are rapidly getting left behind. Every business owner wants the best for their business, but it can be hard grasping technology if you are not well versed with it or have not yet started to use it properly. This guide can help with some of the different ways you can use technology, they can give you ideas to bounce around and from which you can make the decision to include different types of technology. You may have even considered these, but check out the others and see if they can make a difference.


If you run a virtual store, then analytics can help you greatly. You can look at something like google analytics, which can show you exactly where from people have clicked in from. You can then develop countless strategies to grow your business further. The technology is confusing, but if you take the time to do your research it can become much clearer. There are also a myriad of application performance management tools you can use, you can view this full APM tool comparison for further parity. They can give you the additional edge and provide vital information that can help you further tailor your business growth strategy. These and big data are at the moment some of the more useful and cutting edge technologies available to businesses.


Advertising has grown up. You no longer want mannequins or posters on the shop window. Instead, use video advertising. There are many examples to view for inspiration. You can compile your own marketing video, or take key images and have them on a constant reel. Movement catches the eye and will pull people in. If nothing is moving then the advertisement will grow stagnant. You can change it as often as you like too which can fit in with your current trends and promotions. You can target whichever audience you so please and change it in the blink of an eye. It is the future, and if all the shops around you start using video advertising and you don’t, then you will surely be at a disadvantage and certainly left behind.

Payment Options

In a store, people want to be able to pay for their products fast and securely. This is why you should invest in some of the newer payment solutions. There are all kinds of products out there that are supremely fast and mean there will be minimal queues whilst also ensuring your workforce stay mightily productive. Do ensure they accept the newest forms of payment such as apple and android payment. This way you won’t be isolating anyone who only has one method of payment. The software usually also ensures you’re accounting is kept up to date by showing you in real time what money is going in and what stock is going out. However, you will need to check with the software to be entirely sure.

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz is the first to market tech blog focused on covering content from a diverse and multicultural perspective. The groundbreaking videocentric multimedia platform covers technology, business, science, and startups.
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