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Lack Time? These Hacks Can Make Each Minute Go Further!

Online Marketing Is Rapidly Evolving: Are You?

If you’re someone who runs their own business, then you will know just how valuable time is. When you run your own small business, every second counts, so you need to make the most of your time, don’t you? Of course, when you first start out, knowing how to do that can be somewhat of a struggle as there’s a lot of new ground to navigate. That being said, once you know the best way to go about it, it’s easy to make your time go further. To ensure that you’re making the most of every minute of every work day, here’s what you need to do:

Schedule your time into manageable chunks

One of the worst mistakes that you can make when it comes to wasting time is not having a schedule in place. You see if you arrive at your office without a daily schedule planned out, it will lead to you wasting time trying to work out what you need to do throughout the day. That’s why it’s so important to ensure that you have a schedule in place so that every part of your day is planned out and accounted for. Each Friday before you finish work for the day, block out some time to schedule your next week out. Separate each day into half an hour chunks and assign a different task to each chunk of time, as well as leaving some chunks of time free for anything that comes up during the week. Spend a week working from a

Each Friday before you finish work for the day, block out some time to schedule your next week out. Separate each day into half an hour chunks and assign a different task to each chunk of time, as well as leaving some chunks of time free for anything that comes up during the week. Spend a week working from a schedule, and you will never go back to your old way of working, that’s a promise.

Be smart about shipping

One of the most common ways that business owners waste time is when they’re shipping products. This might sound strange, but a lot of small businesses opt to handle their shipping themselves, which means that they have to take items to the post office or depot to be shipped. This wastes precious time, which is why it’s much better to use a shipping service that offers a collection service. There are plenty of shipping services online, so whether you’re in need of a service to ship a small product or need to ship a larger item, you should be able to find a suitable service. Say, for instance, your business is a used car company, you can find car transport firms on Shiply. Whatever you want to ship, to save yourself precious time, use a specialist service.


Don’t make the mistake of wasting time on tasks that you don’t have the skills or experience to deal with. A lot of small business owners spend hours trying to deal with their taxes themselves, for instance, and it’s a complete waste of time. Your best option is to outsource tasks that you aren’t able to easily do yourself, to ensure that you don’t end up wasting time on them.

Use to-do lists

Make life easier for yourself and keep track of everything that you need to do by using to-do lists. Every time that another task comes up that needs to be done write it on your to-do list. That way you won’t have to spend hours going back through your inbox looking at tasks you’ve been sent to complete. Plus, a to-do list makes it much easier to ensure that you’ve done everything that you are meant to and are keeping on top of your workload.

There you have it, handy hacks for making your time go that little bit further.

Photo Credit: Pixabay

UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz is the first to market tech blog focused on covering content from a diverse and multicultural perspective. The groundbreaking videocentric multimedia platform covers technology, business, science, and startups.
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