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5 Technologies to Help you Optimize Project Management

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Sponsored Content: Project managers have to take on numerous roles when working on a current project. The success of the project is often determined by the efficient operation of the team and regular communication that keep the project moving forward. Technology can greatly assist the team in a variety of tasks, improving productivity and enhancing the overall project efficiency.

However, some technologies do not offer true value to the project or the team and instead of making tasks easier, they over-complicate things and cause inefficiencies that lead to a drop in productivity and a loss of valuable time. Deadlines are critical in project management and missing one is not an option if you value the reputation and future business of your company.

There are some technologies that have grown to become indispensable to project managers over the years since their launch. A quality example of this tech is the cloud. The cloud has changed the way project managers collect, store, and distribute important data relating to the project. There is no longer a need for physical documents that need to be mailed or couriered to parties in order to present critical information for a decision. With the power of the cloud, project managers now have instant access to any data relating to the project in question.

Here are five other examples of technologies that should be implemented by any project management professional to improve efficiency and meet your project deadline with ease.

1. Keep Your Data backed up

Data backup is critical for any project manager. Losing all of your data due to a hard drive crash or server crash is a nightmare that has the potential to ruin your project and your business. Keeping your data secure and encrypted is essential for your protection and the project’s success. Dropbox is an example of a powerful platform that mitigates the risk of data loss by storing your data on an external source that can only be accessed by you and members of your team.

2. Easier Communications

Effective communications are the cornerstone of any successful project management team. Project managers are a central hub for all communications between the team and the client. With the advent of internet based communication systems, project managers are now able to replace traditional communications systems such as faxes and telephones with modern systems such as email and web-based video conferencing services that offer instant connectivity to anywhere in the world at a remarkably affordable cost.

#3 Diagramming Your Planning

A picture says a thousand words. Make your own graphs, charts, and visuals with online software applications that can improve deadline timing and workflow. These programs are very useful for project managers and provide a visual representation of the project that allows easy reference for everyone on the team.

#4 Online Learning

Project managers now have the ability to learn online. This allows students and professionals to learn on their own time at their own pace, reducing the project management certification cost by eliminating the need for physical attendance of classes.

#5 PMP – Project Management Platforms

Project management platforms have revolutionized the way managers carry out operations and planning. PMP’s come complete with a suite of tools that help project managers complete a variety of tasks with ease. Cost estimates, budgets, schedules, and documents can all be created and distributed to the team through syncing the tools with the cloud storage platform. PMP’s offer file sharing and timeline tools that allow for a holistic online solution for project managers.

In Closing

Become a more efficient and productive project manager by implementing some of these six tech tips on your next project. You can expect to experience better communications between you the team and your client, as well as improved productivity and efficiencies. Join the digital era, take your project management business and your team to the next level by implementing technology wherever you can.


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UrbanGeekz Staff
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