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Make your passion for music into career


If music is your passion and you´ve always wanted to work a job that you love, then getting a career in the music business could be perfect for you. Each and every day you will be constantly involved in the ever-evolving world of music, meeting new artists and producers as well as contributing to one of the biggest industries in the world. Take a look at the following pointers to help guide you into a career in the business biz:

Gain yourself some qualifications

Educating yourself in the field that you are wanting to enter is important to get yourself noticed by employers. After deciding what kind of role you wish to start a career in you need to find somewhere to study it, you can study at audio engineering schools, DJing schools or schools which offer degrees in music. Taking a course at one of these will give you great credibility and start you on the ladder of your new career.

Don´t lose touch

Working in music is great for practicing whatever you are doing on a day to day basis, but if you are not actually working in the industry yet, it can be easy to put your instrument, equalizer or decks to the side. It´s important to continue to practice daily so that when you do get the chance to impress, you´re at your most fresh.

Get involved in the local music scene

Going to see local bands or DJs is a great way to get yourself networking as well as expanding your knowledge of the current local music scene. The best thing about going to events is that you can often find some very talented and authentic musicians, which can give you excellent inspiration. Contact some local bands and ask them if they could use an extra unpaid engineer to gain as much experience for yourself and your resumé as possible.


Don´t be afraid to relocate or travel! Unfortunately for some, living far away from a big metropolitan area can have a great impact on finding work in the music business.   You will find when speaking to musicians or music technicians who´ve made it, that at some point or another, they were required to relocate in order to continue or further their careers, some even going as far as changing countries. Relocating, or at least being willing to travel some distance, will open up opportunities in a great way.

Be prepared to start at the bottom

Like many careers, most of the time you are going to have to start on small things and move onto bigger things. Taking the opportunities that present themselves to you can get your foot through the door and open numerous opportunities for you in the future.

As well as the points of advice mentioned above, getting the career you desire will require a lot of hard work and dedication but all that hard work will be worth it when you finally have that dream job

UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz Staff
UrbanGeekz is the first to market tech blog focused on covering content from a diverse and multicultural perspective. The groundbreaking videocentric multimedia platform covers technology, business, science, and startups.
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